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“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help’ ”

~Ronald Reagan

We’re here to help each other as we move toward reuniting with our loved ones.

5 Replies to “Comments/Forum”

  1. I lived through this atrocity,AZ cps took our 4 th child out of the hospital after 45 days in Baby icu.He was well ready to come home. Mom had an abrupted placenta , it looked like cofee grounds. I saw the placenta only after az’s social services failed us completly.They have it set for taxis to bring us to the hospital,which they refused to do we called at 6:30 am and got to the hospital at 9:55, baby was born at 10:03, the room had not been set up for the next delivery, there were 6 nurses in the room when they broke down the bed, when baby was born there was the doctor and her nurse. No nursery, baby was blue, when the delivery nuse took baby doctor cut the amilical cord baby turned dark blue, she had no idea what to do, the ambu mask was too big, she stuck a tube down bay’s troat 19 cm it was to be max 9 cm, she riped his lungs up. Baby had to be flown fromparidise vallley hospital to st josphs . over the next few days he was hooked up to15 machines, when he got out of NICU they could not figure out why he had sepsiss. Couldit be he was placed on a hand towel on cold steel when he was born, could it be he took his first breath at 10:25 coldit be he had his lungs shredded by the delivery nurse. well after 45 days he was to come home, but cps shows up at our door and says where is he, we said at the hospital. They proceeded to the hospital and stole him, they gave hime to a medisal foster parent that was 1 hour 45 minutes by bus then a half hour further. there was no chance we could see him . They did there best to take him, then they forced me to sign my other three over to the state, telling me the would return our baby the next day, The other kids never left our home.they did return him. the next day.
    I called governor Napolitano she head up homeland security for a time. when I got ahold of her she listened and laughed at me and handed the phone to an aid.


  2. I have lots of evidence. To help take them down.. they are trying to stop me from impeaching the lying CPS worker who falsified EVERYTHING. hey planned it for 1.5 years. I have the proof. 3 states worth of cps. THEY DO IT ON PURPOSE.. ALL THREE of my kids were molested in cps care,.


  3. I am a grandparent of 3 little girls that have been separated and 1 with the man who signed her birth certificate and the other two are in Foster Care. We are licensed Foster Parents and the mother of the girls, we adopted her when she was 12. We live in NC and it has been a year since I have seen or talked to my little grandkids. They are not even going to know me. Our Social Worker sent in our home study and recommendation that the girls be placed with us but they still separated them and put them into foster care and cut off all communication. I along with my adopted daughter, who is in no place to raise her girls, both have asked they be placed with their grandparents. All we get is well we will get back to you, its up to the ones who have the kids and on their time when both me and my daughter have requested that all 3 kids be put with me. Now someone tell me what to do? I don’t have the funds to hire an attorney at this time, and really do you trust they can do much?


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