What Happened?  Invasion or Infiltration?

​There is a tyranny sweeping across our land.

One that many could not fathom occurring in our modern day era.

A threat to man, woman, and child.
Happening under the guise of “PROTECTION”.
Hidden in the deep recesses of the family, juvenile, and probate courtrooms of our great Country lies a threat to life, liberty, and freedom.
This isn’t a spy novel, or oppression from a third world dictator, this is the crushing of the Family, right here on our very soil.
Please join with us as we move to expose this travesty, halt it from continuing to occur, and work together to restore the integrity of the family unit.

If you haven’t yet signed up to receive email notifications for news and updates, please do so here .

If your own family has been affected by the corrupted system, and you would like to become a part of our Awareness Campaign, let us know here.

If you would like to join us in fighting to restore an adherence to the law in regards to the rights of the people for the preservation of their family, email us at:


We look forward to hearing from you.